All retail, hospitality and food service businesses need to appoint at least one Food Safety Supervisor (FSS) per premises if the food they prepare and serve is:
- ready to eat
- potentially hazardous, that is, needs temperature control
- NOT sold and served in the supplier's original package
Take the short quiz on the NSW Food Authority site to determine which Food Safety Management Tools apply to your business, under the new Standard 3.2.2A in the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code. The tools must be implemented from 8 December 2023.
A person holding an FSS certificate will know how to recognise, prevent and alleviate the hazards associated with food handling. The proprietor of an affected food business must ensure one person is appointed as FSS for the premises.
This course is offered by distance education (correspondence) and face-to-face training.
Please note – this course requires access to an operational commercial food preparation area, bar or kitchen and a third party. The third party must be either the proprietor of the business or someone who understands the role of the food safety supervisor and the business in which you work. They must be prepared to complete the comment section of the Third Party Report and provide full contact details as outlined at the bottom of the report. You will also be required to complete a Temperature Control Record requiring two (2) weeks of temperature records for equipment in a commercial kitchen.